
The Ultimate Guide to the Different Types of Disability


Are you suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? How about depression?

If you can’t work and aren’t receiving any benefits, you need to know what legal rights you might have. The law has changed over the years, but protections are still available.

Knowing what kind of disability you have might contribute to your ultimate success in getting protection. Five major categories of disability can serve as a guide to see where you stand.

Knowing what these are can spur you to action, and you don’t have to suffer without the safety net of disability benefits. Let’s go through the different types of disability.

The Different Types of Disability

There are many different types of disabilities, and each can present its own challenges. Understanding the different types of disabilities and the challenges accompanying them is essential.

Physical Disability

Conditions like cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, and Down syndrome can lead to physical disabilities. People with these conditions may find walking, talking, or caring for themselves hard or impossible.

Physical disabilities can be tough to deal with. However, there are a lot of resources and support systems that can help.

Cognitive Disability

People with cognitive disabilities may find it hard to think, remember, or learn. They can also make it hard to pay attention or keep your feelings in check.

Cognitive disabilities can be caused by many different things, like genetic disorders, head injuries, strokes, and Alzheimer’s disease. Some people were born with mental disabilities, while others get them later in life.

How cognitive disabilities are treated depends on their causes and how bad they are. Some people might only need small adjustments, while others might need much more help.

Developmental Disability

Developmental disabilities are a group of conditions that affect how people learn, move, and talk. You can put developmental disabilities into three main groups: intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, and autism spectrum disorders.

Sensory Disability

People with a sensory disability have trouble with one or more of their senses. This can include being blind, deaf, or having trouble with touch, taste, smell, or hearing.

Mental Disability

Mental disability, also known as mental illness, is one of the most common types of disability. Some common mental illnesses include anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. Treatment often includes medication, therapy, and support groups.

How to Get Disability Benefits

To get disability benefits, you must first prove that you have a disabling condition that prevents you from working. Then, you must meet the specific requirements for the benefit you are applying for. Find out more here about filing for disability claim.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are the most common types of benefits. You may also be eligible for Vocational Rehabilitation, housing assistance, and other government benefits. Talk to a disability attorney to learn more about your options and the benefits you may be entitled to.

Know What To Apply For!

There are many different types of disability, each with its unique challenges. Some disabilities are physical, while others are mental or emotional. Some disabilities are short-term, while others are long term disability.

Despite the challenges of having a disability, there are also many positive aspects to having a disability. Disability can provide people with a new perspective on life and can also give people a greater sense of empathy and compassion.

If you or someone you know has a disability, many organizations and groups are available to help. You are also entitled to some government benefits.

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