Criminal Law

5 Career Tips For Convicted Felons

Career Tips For Convicted Felons

If you want the 5 top tips for a successful career even if you have a criminal record, you’re going to want to read this post. Here, we will go over the things you will need to do and think of in order to have a productive, successful and fulfilling future.

You may not realize this, but most of your waking hours are spent at your place of employment. However, when you get accused and charged with a crime, your options get slimmed down significantly. Why not take these five tips into consideration when thinking about your future? We know that if you do, you will certainly be grateful in the end.

5 Career Tips For People With Criminal Records

TIP 1: Choose A Felony Friendly Place Of Employment

The first thing you will want to do is to choose a felony friendly place of employment. In doing so, you will not need to worry about your criminal record getting in the way of your future.

You can google felony friendly jobs or simply go on an interview and put your best foot forward. In most circumstances, when your character shines through, many potential employers will see you for who you are rather than who you were.

TIP 2: Realize Your Record Won’t Always Be In Front Of The World

Depending on where you live, your criminal record won’t come up in typical background checks (for certain positions) after a certain number of years. Keep this in mind and commit to a better life and way of doing things. Karma has a way of working hardships out as long as you do your best day by day!

TIP 3: Commit To Doing The Right Thing

Make a commitment to yourself to try to do the right thing. Living your life in the right way is the best way to attract other good things into your life.

Use your past altercations with the law to grow up and learn. Move on from unhealthy habits and commit to being a better person. No matter what job you get hired into, you’ll feel much more fulfilled professionally.

TIP 4: Hire A Criminal Defense Attorney

If anything happens and you get arrested, your best bet is to hire a skilled and reputable criminal defense attorney to lessen any charges you may receive. Hiring an attorney can offer the following benefits:

  • Lessen any charges
  • Reduce amount of jail time
  • Help you by giving you the best chance for your future
  • Lower fines and charges
  • Possible case dismissal

Choosing a law firm like Barkemeyer Law Firm guarantees excellent representation and that you won’t miss any key opportunities for case dismissal. You’ll want to find an attorney near you for the best results.

TIP 5: Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

Don’t sweat the small stuff and you’ll find that wherever you work you’ll feel satisfied. Through gratitude and appreciation, we hope that you see the bright side in the day to day rather than focusing on the little things that bother you.

We know you’ve been through a lot! It’s time to relax and let the small issues just roll off your shoulders to live a better, happier life.


We know it isn’t easy to find a satisfying career as a convicted felon. However, we will be with you every step of the way in the process. Your journey ahead will be a great one if you take these things to heart and follow these small tips and suggestions. Good luck to you and we hope to hear about your prosperous future.

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